BARN was created for the 2024 INEFF 24/7 Filmmaking Competition

On July 8th 2024 at 10:43, after pledging our interest in participating, we received the following instructions on creative limitations:

Submit your short film (under 5 minutes)

by Midnight Sunday 14 July (UK time)


You must apply these creative limitations when making your Experimental Fiction film:


Choose one of the following “abstract theme” limitations (you can interpret this theme in whichever way you like):

– Secret Connection

– Behind the Closed Door

– Foolish Desire


Combine the abstract theme above with one of the following creative/technical limitations:

– A single take (there are no cuts in your film)

– All shots in the film precisely one second long

– Only use Extreme close-up shots in your film


Make sure your film creatively incorporates at least one of the following statements, either as dialogue, voice-over, or on-screen text:

– “We know nothing about the future. Or the past.”

– “I have no strength left. Maybe I love you.”

– “You just play with me. I’m not a toy.”

Description of BARN

Abstract theme: Behind the Closed Door

Creative limitation: Only Extreme close-ups

Statement: You just play with me. I’m not a toy.


Starting from an idea of embodying hope in a time of darkness, we worked from principles of care: filming in an unaltered location, inviting collaboration with people nearby, creating from improvisational impulse. We allowed restrictions of time and resources to activate a body of events and relationships through movement and framings rather than cause and effect, favoring presence in the moment over predetermined outcome.

The iterative storymaking through montage started from a reservoir of fiction footage (without given order, infused with the underlying idea) in a co-creational relay of trust, leaving cracks for the audience to co-create story and meaning.


idea & mis-en-scene

Annika Boholm

dramaturgy & montage

Kersti Grunditz Brennan


Aksel Ekblom

music & lyrics

Cecilia Öhrwall



Sven Hellström

Arvid Friberg

Emma Eskeby

Sven Friberg

Ulf Friberg

Annika Boholm

Filmed on Gotland

Edited in Brussels

Composed in Björkvik

Screened at INEFF, Manchester 

Future screenings TBA

© 2024 Annika Boholm, Kersti Grunditz Brennan, Cecilia Öhrwall

Cecilia Öhrwall's song - the BARN soundtrack


Mörk är jorden, mörk är staden.

Tungt är hjärtat i människans bröst.


Tung är tiden, tung är tanken.

Tungt är steget i människans gång.


Sången ska svinga upp! Högt över takens topp!

Röster ska ropa, ge människan hopp!


Röster ska lyfta, trösten  ska stärka.

Röster ska ropa, ge mänskan hopp!

Earth is dark, dark is the city

Heavy hearts in people's breasts.


Time is heavy, thoughts are heavy

Heavy steps in people's walk


Song will soar. High above the roof tops!

Voices will call out, give people hope


Voices will rise, comfort and strengthen

Voices will call out, give people hope!