SISTERS B. - events

THE SISTERS B. - events

THE SISTERS B. process at INEFF in Manchester

The International Network of Experimental Fiction Filmmaking Festival and Symposium

University of Salford, MediaCity UK 18-19 July 2024

Online introduction of the film and research project The Sisters B. – an embodied conversation with history – followed by screening of a mid-process video: 

It is a “comic strip” sequence true to script based on stills from the footage, interspersed with edited scenes reshaping the narrative, accompanied by the project’s irreverent unedited score. 

This format is an attempt at creating  inviting and accessible ways of sharing an iterative and co-creational fiction film  process.

Creating THE SISTERS B. - Cognitive Futures 2024

Cognitive Futures in The Arts and Humanities 10th Annual Conference

From 4E to 5E Cognition: about Emotions

Department of Humanities – Monastero dei Benedettini University of Catania, Italy, 3rd - 5th June 2024

Performance presentation illuminating values of articulating 5E cognition in cinematic practice. The presented artistic research project The Sisters B. activates emotional connection with loss and conditions for creativity through an embodied, embedded, enacted, extended conversation with the composers Lili and Nadia Boulanger, filmed at the Bergman Estate at Fårö Island. 

The presentation included film excerpts that exemplify the researchers’ long experience with emotional cognition as an articulated and intrinsic part of collaborative and creative processes.

The Sisters B. – Collaborative film practice using embodied montage strategies

2nd Baltic Neurocine Conference

Tallinn University, 23-24 April 2024

The presentation took a montage approach congenial with the Sisters B. exploration: texts on the film story interspersed by texts on research method – images, script and links to film material loosely tracing the order of the expository texts. The presentation aimed to reflect the playfulness of the film aesthetics and its mode of creation. This undergrowth of playfulness and humor is a means to make the research accessible and a tool to approach hidden vulnerabilities and untold losses of history.

Film dames in quagmire - The Sisters B. in Graz



University of Graz, RESOWI, Austria

An entertaining performance presentation of The Sisters B. as a transitional phase between projects. A new research project is emerging: explorations of filmmaking as a transformational activity that takes artistic risks within the ethics of interpersonal and ecological relations: Embodied Montage – embodied understood as acting on and through both environment and bodies, including but not limited to human bodies.

The presentation was an invite to share our quagmire. Not to be crushed by the impossibility of dreaming again, we dangle in a zone of not knowing. Staying with the doing and the trying, lurking in the echo rather than the source, encouraging creation of something never seen, of weird ways. The way humans act in the world, other ways of acting are urgent.

The undergrowth of playfulness and humor in The Sisters B. film aesthetics and its mode of creation, are means to make the research accessible and a tool to approach hidden vulnerabilities and untold losses of history.

Jan 16, 2024

Stockholm University of the Arts

A follow up on the presentation of the project The Sisters B. during Research Week 2022. This time with Cecilia and Kersti in the room and Annika on the phone from Luleå. There was live accordion,  presentation of the script, exposition of the collaborative film process and showings of footage from the week on Fårö in October 2023. The audience were invited to a conversation about methods of creating and watching, about insights gained along the way and where the film is headed.

Film recidency at The Bergman Estate

Creation of the footage for The Sisters B.

Oct 12 - 23, 2024

Fårö Island in the Baltic Sea

We filmed at the Bergman Estate on the Swedish island Fårö in the Baltic Sea, creating footage towards an experimental fiction film. Starting with four people, ending as a group of 12, we spent intense days eating, filming and sleeping across five of the Estates’ houses.  


When the week was over, we had a cluster of footage; fragments, moments, cinematic matter imbued with the specificities of each cinematic practice (scriptwriting, directing, mis-en-scene, production design, performance, cinematography, music, sound design) and artistic imprints of each collaborator.  

Jan 19, 2022

Stockholm University of the Arts

Presentation mirroring the development of a hybrid film; fragmented, associative storytelling is anchored in documentary events, propelled into fantasies united through musical and choreographic threads. Navigating between three grand pianos, revealing application of methods from the research project BLOD to a project with different time-spaces and more collaborators.



Addressing research ethical considerations: when relating to lived experiences of others, especially people how cannot speak for themselves since they are dead; when rearranging Lili’s work, weighing the integrity of the composition against its performability within the project; when transferring conditions for co-creation from a two-person agreement to roles and responsibilities in a collective.